Overcoming Overseas Challenges Despite the Coronavirus

The video is created by EO (Entrepreneurship Opportunities)


Borders were once closed due to the coronavirus, and now it is awkward even to say the words “overseas travel.” Though Dtonic and ProtoPie are companies that are actively doing overseas sales even in this situation. Finding ways such as participating in various programs such as ICEX and GITEX. Both Dtonic and Protopie say that it was not possible to overcome the company alone. In this video, the video explains how each company achieved steady results overseas within difficult situations such as the Coronavirus.

This video was created was supported by KOTRA for the purpose of promoting the Global Jump 300 program.

Find the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6GCt7YW-0AQ


Dtonic Picked for GO AUSTRIA Spring 2021


Dtonic selected to be part of Busan’s Smart City Joint Venture